
[Model] Drynn & Tiamat
Fantastic mods which replaces Rynn with a dragon / human hybrid creature. The D’Rynn character was originally created by Andrey and Voodoo29 but the Timat character’s skin was designed by Draco at www.drakia.com and is based on the D’Rynn mesh.
Note these mods will invalidate previous save games. Backup your system.mod and system.txd files first as instructed in the download.
[Mod] Alternate Ending
Created by Assassin, this replaces your rift world.lvl file with a new one and adds an extra map after beating the final boss. There is a nice cut scene at the end which is much better than the pathetic existing ending. Note it does not contradict the storyline of Drakan: The Ancient’s Gates or any of its player created alternatives. Enjoy!