
Introduction - There will be more than 25 different types of enemies for you to wage war within Drakan. Some may be wearing different types of armor and some using different types of weapons. You can target specific body parts and slice them off revealing the insides of your prey. The damage you do will be seen on the enemy as it happens including arrows sticking out of the enemies flesh. They will use Drakan's revolutionary AI to team up on you and use tactics once only thought to appear in multiplayer. Don't forget to check the sky, as you will encoder devastating dragons and other air-born enemies that you won't soon forget....
Wartok - The Wartoks are a bulky, brutal race of warriors and raiders. Physically, they are heavily set, with twisted boar-like faces and corded muscles. Their organization is tribal in nature, often with a chieftain or greater monstrosity in control. They utilize many implements of destruction, usually heavy clubs or thick blades. What the Wartoks lack in finesse they make up in savagery. They are the shock troops responsible for the raid on Rynn's village, and they spare no one who continues to move.
These beasts serve as the driving backbone of the army that Rynn will face. They can perform a variety of low-level tasks between head-butting matches, general torture, and drunken feasts.
Blade Dragon - These winged horrors are almost better described as a perverse combination of avian and reptilian predators. Their night-black hide is covered in razor-edged feathers, to the effect that any part of their body is deadly in an attack.
They appear somewhere between dragon and bird to the eye, and soar about in packs to topple unwary creatures. They are not to be trifled with, and should be considered deadly to all but the strongest of beings.
Primitive Giant -The primitive giant is a huge beast that likes to throw things at you. It may also try to kill you by using it's massive limbs to pound you in a number of different ways.
Scavenger - Far darker than the spider packs are the Scavenger hordes. Their bloody, zombified flesh stretches across a skeleton built to kill. They move low to the ground, on all fours, but they swipe massive sharpened limbs at any unfortunate being that stumbles upon their lair.
They are essentially vicious beasts, but they live up to their name in a most gruesome way. When a being dies nearby, they will scuttle toward the corpse and consume it completely. Despite their preference for carrion, even a single scavenger is a fearsome opponent, due in part to the sheer terror they cause.
Dragonfly - Dragonflies are extremely weak but also extremely hard to kill without Arokh. They fly extremely fast and strike without warning. With Arokh the best way to destroy these pests is with the regular flame weapon. With Rynn you're better off running away or using your bow.
Tick -The tick is like a spider but it can't walk on ceilings and its skin is armored. Ticks can get a lot bigger than spiders.
Spider -The spiders are another of Drakan's grim denizens, giant arachnids which are found in various secluded caverns. At full height, they reach easily above a human's knee, and are terrible to behold in the darkness. They often attack in large numbers, and tend to descend from the darker recesses of cave ceilings, on fine lines of web. They are a lesser threat when caught alone, but not to be underestimated. In all, a thoroughly vicious predator, and to be slain swiftly when encountered, or avoided.
Orc - Orcs are the minor grunts, directly related to the Wartoks, but much smaller and less bold. They're only truly dangerous in large packs. An individual Orc cannot cause a great deal of damage, and cowers easily when pressed.
In general, these beasts are directly subservient to the Wartok troops, and they may act in a tighter group when led by one of the larger creatures.
Succubus - Succubus are not to be trusted. This is a creature of unparalleled beauty on the surface, but beneath the smooth skin and long-lashed eyes lies a pool of infinite deception. Beware the power of double-meanings and unreadable expressions when dealing with Succubi. Rynn is in no danger of falling prey to their seductive powers, but there are other webs that these crafty beings spin...
Ballistas - Ballistas are what looks to be a large crossbow on a platform that can slowly spin in 360 degrees to take aim. Although these are not extremely dangerous by themselves, when placed in small groups in a narrow gorge they can become quite deadly. The large fiery projectiles are extremely powerful but can easily be out maneuvered due to their slow speed.
Evil Towers - These towers shoot powerful lightning bolts which can hit both ground and air targets. The only way to destroy these structures is by destroying the crystal positioned at the top among the 4 protective pedestals.
Crimson Knight - The Crimson Knights where strong armor and have 3 different attacks, each used in different situations. The first attack is throwing explosive flaming spears, only used at a far distance or at a time when they cannot hit you with their other attacks. The most common weapon used by the crimson knight are their flaming swords. The flaming swords are quite dangerous and the upmost of care should be taken to avoid them. They are often used in fast and dangerous combos making them even more deadly since the first blow will probably not be the last. The third attack used by the crimson knights is the fire ring. It's used when you are continuously pounding them with relentless attacks. If the knight is going to use this attack you are advised to get out of its range. One hit from it is usually all they need.
Ebon Knight - The Ebon knights are stronger, more powerful descendants of the Crimson Knights. They use dark scimitars instead of flaming swords and have lightning spears instead of flame spears. The lightning spears are even dangerous to Arokh. A Crimson Knight will throw them at an object around their target. Once the spear hits the other object powerful bolts of lightning will spray in every direction. The main difference between Crimson Knights and Ebon Knights is the missing third weapon in the Ebon Knight's arsenal. They have no equivalent to the fire ring.
Goblin Raiders - Goblin Raiders are a small-medium sized frog like creature that rely on cleverly placed traps rather then power. They're very weak and are almost defenseless at close range but can be very deadly at long range. The first and most deadly of their long range attacks is a fiery molotove cocktail. The molotove cocktails are often thrown off high cliffs and once they have hit the ground deadly pieces of fiery debris will be randomly flung in every direction. The second long range attack used by the Goblin Raiders are their arrows. The arrows appear as small white streaks and travels extremely fast. If you keep your distance you'll be able to dodge the arrows before they make contact.
War Giants - These humongous beasts are the Primitive Giants bigger, deadly, scarier, and uglier. They use a weapon that is easily 3 times your size and cannot only be swung but can also be thrown. The last thing you want to do is get near these beasts, they will squash you like a cat trying to cross a busy intersection. (That's a bad thing.) Ideally the best weapon to defeat this type of enemy is either your trusty bow or Arokh. Luckily you won't cross the path of a War Giant more then a few times.
Bat Dragon - These flying beasts are a cross between regular dragons and modern day bats. They use ice appose to fire and after only a few hits will freeze you in midair. Once you've been frozen you will fall to the ground and shatter into pieces.
Death Magi - Don't be fooled by the visual effects these mystic souls posses. They fire green colored translucent sculls and green mist. The Death Magi are not easily killed. While they are weak, they have the power to disappear and reappear in a different area. Often they will relocate just as you are about to hit them.
Skeleton Dragons - Skeleton Dragons use a devastating lightning attack that rarely misses its mark. They appear to be mostly bones with skins/scales covering mostly just the wings. With the transparency of this creature they are often hard to see at a distance, often letting them sneak up to you at such a close range you won't know they're there until they've already hit you.
Werokh - Werokh is the perfect example of good vs. evil. Once a devoted friend of Arokh's but now nothing more than one of the many who have turned against the Order of the Flame. Combined with agile moves and the powerful ice attack Werokh will not soon be forgotten.
Queen Shilla - Queen Shilla is the ruler of all the Succubus and other creatures that live in the evil areas. She may not look like such a threat, (being so fat and all) but with her devilishly tricky moves and her awkward flying she can really dish it out. After you defeat The Queen you'll receive the magma attack for Arokh which is the most powerful attack Arokh can receive.
Navarose: Delon Form - Navarose has taken control of your brother, Delon in order to use his body. He is extremely agile and can use numerous beautiful but deadly attacks. He is your final ground-bearing task so use whatever means possible to destroy him.
Navarose: Dragon Form - Navarose as a dargon form is your final test before completing Drakan: Order of the Flame. He appears as 4 large dragon heads breaching an enormous portal, each of which must be destroyed separately. There are numerous challenges to defeating Navarose, the first being his invincibility. He is completely invincible unless he is attacking. This makes your task extremely difficult since the only time your shots will effect him is the same time he will be attacking you. It's nearly impossible to know which head will be attacking you at which time. The second difficulty when fighting Navarose are his multiple attacks. He can fire deadly magma balls at one time or simply bite you at another, depending on how close you are.