
Introduction - There are two main characters in Drakan, Rynn and Arokh. There are also many neutral characters that help tell the story of the Order of the Flame and can also help you in sub-quests with information about other characters. They will sometimes know the location of a useful item but they usually want you to do something for them first. You are be able to interact with these neutral characters by way of in-game cut scenes.
Rynn - At heart, Rynn is a fighter. Her central motivation is to rescue her brother from the clutches of the creatures who stole him away, and she will not rest until he is safe. After having been knocked unconscious in a raid on her village, Rynn awakens to find her village destroyed and her brother stolen away. With barely a second thought, she grits her teeth and sets out after him. If the fires of Hell stand between her and her goal, she will draw her blade and stalk through the flames, head held high.
Rynn is a warrior who does battle with quick wits and inherent skill. She is lithe and athletic, relying on her speed and agility to maneuver her around opponents. And for all that, she is yet young and impetuous. The world is new to her, but she takes it all in with the eye of a skeptic and the sharp tongue of a professional heckler. She has much to learn about the realm of Drakan By chance, destiny, or perhaps both, she becomes bound to Arokh until death. To overcome the mighty obstacles which she now faces, she will learn the use of many exotic weapons, and even a bit of magic, if it serves her objective. But fate has given her a powerful companion, so she must also understand the ways of the Dragon Rider. In Arokh, she has found a faithful companion, and a chance to overcome incredible odds. Her only hope is to rise to the challenge.
Arokh - Arokh is a living legend, an ancient red dragon who served the great armies of an age long dead. Centuries have passed as he slept in peace, at rest while the world changed and grew. But time has a way of re-kindling the need for heroes, and Arokh's rest is at an end.
He has been bound to Rynn by his very soul, and serves her well as steed and companion. His wry sense of humor and offhand commentary serves as a mask for an incredible intellect, and deep knowledge of the force which now threatens the very world.
The dragon is a being of former days, where power was less diluted by those who wrangle it. When he does battle, the very ground shakes. He possesses the unique ability to take on new destructive attacks from those he slays; the energy flows into his body upon their defeat. Every weapon at his command will be taxed as he carries Rynn into the throes of this final conflict.
Delon - Delon is Rynn's younger brother. He's as spirited as she is, and admires her a great deal. He delights in listening to the stories of Atimar, one of the village elders and a competent scribe. During an attack by Wartok troops , Rynn falls unconscious and Delon is lost in the raid. He was one of the few villagers not found with a Wartok-inflicted death wound... but as he has been abducted, his fate may be dire indeed if Rynn cannot find him.
Atimar - The revered scribe of Rynn's village. He is somewhat of a grandfather to Rynn and Delon, though he isn't officially related. He takes care of the village people, who he considers his responsibility in many ways. Atimar cares very much about both Rynn and her brother. He enjoys teaching Delon some of the secrets of the great wide world. Atimar is a true friend, and Rynn trusts him implicitly.
Rimril - Rimril is the last of the Order's Guardian Magi. His old eyes have seen more years than the men and women of several generations combined. Arokh remembers him as a young man, in the time of the Dark Wars, when the Order was established. Rimril is the protector of an extremely valuable artifact, and he guards it well...
Rimril's home is the Ebon Fortress, a shadowy tower located somewhere in the farthest reaches of the realm. It remains to be seen where his loyalties now lie. If befriended, he could be of considerable aid, but exercise caution is always a wise mantra when dealing with wizards...
Tuiri - Like the man who flew with Arokh long ago, Tuiri was a human, one of the dragon-riders who fought against Narvros in the Dark Wars. She is long-dead, but her spirit still clings to the corporeal world, doomed to wander because of a critical error in the last moments of her life.
Tuiri is in need of aid, or she will never be given her well-earned rest. Perhaps Rynn will be able to free her, though the cause of the spirit's entrapment must be discovered first.
Farmer - The farmer is among the first neutral characters you'll meet. He lives in a small deceased village among the only house still standing. Besides you he is the only human left in the Wartok Canyons and is fending for his life by scarring the Wartoks off with the little magic he knows. The hills are sparse with caves and the Wizard is in need of a proper hideout. He will send you on a quest to rid a cave infested with ravaging spiders and only after you've completed the task he will reveal the location where a powerful weapon can be retrieved.
Soldier - The soldier has seen many things and knows some valuable information that will help you breach the Grimstone Mines defenses. He hides in some old ruins, wounded and on the brink of death.
Villagers - The villagers are the locals, the people you are trying to save. The Wartoks and Orcs have captured most of them and have taken them to the Grimstone Mines to become slaves.
The Hider - The Hider is found in the Grimestone Mines and will reveal a way to destroy the Grimstone Mines as well as where Delon has probably been taken.